Sunday, June 6, 2010

Camshift Tracking algorithm

Camshift stands for "Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift."
It has the basic Mean shift algorithm with the difference of a window that changes in size.

Pro: This method is fast and appears on initial testing to be moderately accurate. It may be possible to improve accuracy by using a different color representation.

Con: There are quite a few parameters: the number of histogram bins, the minimum saturation, minimum and maximum intensity, and the width-to-height ratio for regions. There's also a parameter for enlarging the region while doing Mean Shift to increase the chances of finding the maximum for probability density.

using original code from (Isaac Gerg, Adam Ickes, Jamie McCulloch) "" with some minor changes/refactoring done by me.


  1. can you please provide me with the running code?? that process the live feed..and not a saved avi file.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Warning: Divide by zero.
    > In meanshift at 43
    In camshift at 136
    Warning: Divide by zero.
    > In meanshift at 47
    In camshift at 136
    ??? Attempted to access probmap(NaN,NaN); index must be a positive integer or logical.

    Error in ==> meanshift at 28
    M00 = M00 + probmap(r, c);

    Error in ==> camshift at 136
    [rowcenter colcenter M00]=meanshift(I, rmin, rmax, cmin,cmax,probmap);

  4. can u plz provide that camshift code for mail id is

  5. can u plz provide that camshift code for me my mail id is

  6. Can you please provide me the camshift code? It would be a great help! Thankyou!
    My email id
