Algorithm for Euclidean Distance/Vector Angle Edge Detector:
- For each pixel in the image, take the 3×3 window of pixels around it.
- Calculate the saturation-based combination of the Euclidean distance and Vector Angle between the center pixel and each pixel on the ring of the 3×3 window.
- Assign the largest value obtained to the center pixel.
- Apply a threshold to the image to eliminate false edges
We use a vector Gradient edge detector which is a 3×3 mask. Find E_vg the euclidean distance operator
R = double(I1(:,:,1));
G = double(I1(:,:,2));
B = double(I1(:,:,3));
I_size = size(I1(:,:,1)); E_vg = zeros(I_size(1),I_size(2));
for y=2:(I_size(1)-1),
for x=2:(I_size(2)-1),
for i=-1:1,
for j=-1:1,
ED = sqrt((R(y+i,x+j)-R(y,x))^2 + (G(y+i,x+j)-G(y,x))^2 + (B(y+i,x+j)-B(y,x))^2);
if ED > E_vg(y,x)
E_vg(y,x) = ED;
end Run the resulting E_vg through a threshold
ED_thresh = 45.0; //Change for Testing upto 255
ED_edges = zeros(I_size(1),I_size(2));
for y=1:I_size(1),
for x=1:I_size(2),
if E_vg(y,x) > ED_thresh
ED_edges(y,x) = 255;