Monday, April 26, 2010


the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to image stitching require nearly exact overlaps between images and identical exposures to produce seamless results.

My Steps
  1. Convert the video into Frames and then into Images
  2. using SIFT get pairs of corresponding points taken from the two images
  3. Recover homographies of each Image
  4. Warp the images using the homography
  5. Blend images into a mosaic using weighted average
  6. View the Results
a One minute video is 60*30 = 1800 images. Will reduce for speed.

function [mos_img]=mosaic(filename)
% creates a mosaic image from a movie
% assuming translation only between frames

warning off MATLAB:mir_warning_variable_used_as_function;

% using global names to cache frames in memory
% performance boosting
global Nframes;
global AviName;

AviName = filename;
[h, w, Nframes] = avi_size(AviName);

% relative displacements
d = zeros(2,Nframes);

RefFrame = GetImage(1);

% align every two consequent frames
for ii=2:Nframes

    % read a frame
    Frame = GetImage(ii);

    d(:,ii) = align(RefFrame, Frame, d(:,ii-1));

    % current frame is next one's reference
    RefFrame = Frame;

% cumulative displacement relative to first frame
D = cumsum(d,2);

% minimal
Minimum = min(D,[],2);
Maximum = max(D,[],2);

% minimal displacement is one
D = D - Minimum*ones(1,Nframes)+1;

% create an empty mosaic (compute the bounding box)
mos_img = zeros([w, h]+ceil(Maximum'-Minimum'))';
[bm bn] = size(mos_img);
% creates weights
weights = zeros(bm,bn);

% shfoch everything into the mosaic
for ii=1:Nframes
    % read a frame
    Frame = GetImage(ii);

    tmpF(1:(h+1),1:(w+1)) = 0;
    tmpF(2:h+1,2:w+1) = Frame;
    intD = floor(D(:,ii));
    wF = warp(tmpF, (D(:,ii)-intD));
    wF(find(isnan(wF))) = 0;

    % mask
    m = zeros(size(tmpF));
    m(2:h+1,2:w+1) = 1;
    wm = warp(m, (D(:,ii)-intD));
    wm(find(isnan(wm))) = 0;

    [A B] = GetPosArray(bm, h, bn, w, intD);
    mos_img(A, B) = mos_img(A, B) + wF;
    weights(A, B) = weights(A, B) + wm;


weights = weights + (weights == 0); % in order to avoid zero division
mos_img = mos_img./weights;

function [A, B] = GetPosArray(bm, h, bn, w, intD)
% Gets an array, where to put the image.
% bm, bn - the total image's size
% h, w - single frame's size
% intD - the integer displacement.
A = bm - h + 1 - intD(2): bm - intD(2) + 1;
B = bn - w + 1- intD(1): bn - intD(1) + 1;

function image = GetImage(index)
% Gets the image data in the correct form (Double, greyscale).
% using chached frames to boost performance

% caching BUFFER_SIZE images at each access to the avi file
persistent CurrentBlock M;
global AviName Nframes;

if (isempty(CurrentBlock))
    CurrentBlock = -1;

% zindex to start from zero rather than one.
zindex = index - 1;

if (floor(zindex / BUFFER_SIZE) ~= CurrentBlock)
    CurrentBlock = zindex / BUFFER_SIZE;
    ReadTo = min((CurrentBlock+1)*BUFFER_SIZE, Nframes);
    M = aviread(AviName, (CurrentBlock*BUFFER_SIZE + 1):ReadTo);

localIndex = mod(zindex, BUFFER_SIZE) + 1;

%returning the right image in the correct format.
image = im2double(rgb2gray(M(localIndex).cdata ));

function [shift] = align(im1, im2, initial_shift)
% This function aligns im2 to im1 assuming an homography consist of shift only
% Input parameters
%   im1, im2 - images in double representation grey level range [0,1]
% The output parameters:
%   shift - a vector [dx, dy]' of displacement

% initial guess for displacement
shift = [0, 0]';
if (nargin == 3)
    shift = initial_shift;

% global parameters
ITER_EPS = 0.001;
FILTER_PARAM = 0.4;         % parameter for gaussian pyramid

% Creating pyramids for both images.
F = gaussian_pyramid(im1, PYRAMID_DEPTH, FILTER_PARAM);
G = gaussian_pyramid(im2, PYRAMID_DEPTH, FILTER_PARAM);

% Allowing initial shift - scale it to fit pyramid level
shift = shift ./ (2^(PYRAMID_DEPTH+1));

% work coarse to fine in pyramids
    clear warped_im2;    % we are about to change its dimensionality

    shift = 2 * shift;   % compensate the scale factor between pyramid levels.

    % compute the gradient once per pyramid level
    [Fx Fy] = gradient(F{ii});

    % although we can re-calculate it according to overlapping zone
    % it is negligible thus we save computation by doing it once per level
    tmp = sum(Fx(:).*Fy(:));
    A = inv( [ sum(Fx(:).^2) tmp ; tmp sum(Fy(:).^2) ] );

    % iterate per pyramid level
    for jj = 1 : ITERATIONS_PER_LEVEL
        % always warp original image by accumulated shift, avoid over
        % blurring
        warped_im2 = warp(G{ii}, shift);

        % mask to rule out boundary (NaN values)
        mask = isnan(warped_im2);
        warped_im2(find(mask)) = 0;
        mask = 1-mask;

        % difference image - ignore parts that are not overlapping
        diff = ( F{ii}(:)-warped_im2(:) ).*mask(:);

        % Solve and update shift;
        tmpshift =  A*[sum(diff.*Fx(:)) ; sum(diff.*Fy(:))] ;
        shift = shift + tmpshift;
        if (abs(tmpshift) < ITER_EPS)

% wrapping an image with shift using bilinear interpolation
function [warped] = warp(image, shift)
[x y] = size(image);
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:y,1:x); % Behold!!!
warped = interp2(image, X+shift(1), Y+shift(2), 'linear');

function [G] = gaussian_pyramid(image, n, a)
% compute n gaussian pyramid of an image
% a - filter parameter

G = cell(n,1);
G{1} = image;
for ii=1:n-1
    % use tmp variable to comply with varying size of image through down sampling
    G{ii+1}=gaussian_pyramid_one_stage(G{ii}, a);

function [G]=gaussian_pyramid_one_stage(im, a)
% compute one stage of a gaussian pyramid of an image
% a is the filter parameter

[m n]=size(im);

% construct the filter
filterKernel = [0.25 - (a/2), 0.25, a, 0.25, 0.25-(a/2)];
h = filterKernel'*filterKernel;

% filter the image, i.e. blur it with the gaussian, replicate to overcome
% boundary conditions
filt = imfilter(im, h, 'replicate');

% down sample
G = filt(1:2:m,1:2:n);


  1. I'm getting error at GetImage(1) as matrix dimension exceeds

  2. very good job congratulations
    I want to have the rgb result (not in grayscale). how to do ?
    thank you in advance
