Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SIFT keypoint matching Trials of my Implementation

2 of the same images, using my own SIFT implementation gives me 722 matches
for my second experiment i tried translation invariance, 2 images taken from different angles. i got 243 matches
In my next experiment i tried a complete affine transformation of a graffiti wall, i got 22 matches but not so accurate. this shows the keypoints have a problem in its rotation and scaling invariants. my magnitude and teta maybe the cause of this.
This is a matching from David Lowes algorithm showing a clear affine invariance.

my implementation gives me a very bad matching. alot more work to do.

and more bad results, if the orientation of the keypoint is wrong, the matching will also suffer so i tired different tangents in matlab

BOTH IMAGES: show clearly that rotation invariance is not achieved, this is the reason why the matching gives alot of false negative results

furthermore; the amount of BLUR is also very important
images and details from (based on my understanding):
Lowe, David G. “Distinctive Image Features from Scale­ Invariant Keypoints”. International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004)


  1. hi! I am currently doing a project regarding SIFT detection using Matlab. Well basically I understand the concept and theory of it. However when it comes to coding in Matlab, I have problems starting off. Any advice? Your help is much appreciated. Thanks! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey i'm doing a project about sift too right now

    VLFeat library really helps

  4. hey iam currently doing my project sift algorithm with matlabcode please help send me details my mail
